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Land to the North of Goitre Lane, Merthyr Tydfil - CLOSED

Land to the North of Goitre Lane, Merthyr Tydfil - CLOSED

Proposed 3D View

Pre-Application Consultation Expired

Asbri Planning Ltd. has been commissioned by Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council to undertake pre-application consultation in respect of the full planning application for construction of a new Primary School including access, landscaping, play / sports pitches, parking, external works, swale, plant and associated works on Land to the North of Goitre Lane, Merthyr Tydfil.


Mae Asbri Planning Ltd wedi cael ei gomisiynu gan Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful  i drefnu ymgynghoriad cyn gwneud cais cynllunio ar gyfer datblygiad o Ysgol Gynradd newydd yn cynnwys mynediad newydd, gwaith tirlunio, caeau chwarae, maes parcio, gwaith allanol, is-adeiledd draenio, offer peiriannegol a‘r gwaith cysylltedig ar dir i’r Gogledd o Goitre Lane, Merthyr Tudful.


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