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Cheapside, Bridgend / Cheapside, Pen-y-bont a’r Ogwr - Closed

Cheapside, Bridgend / Cheapside, Pen-y-bont a’r Ogwr - Closed

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Pre-Application Consultation Expired

Asbri Planning Ltd. has been commissioned by Bridgend College to undertake pre-application consultation in respect of full planning permission Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a further and higher education facility (Use Class D1), theatre (Use Class Sui Generis), café (Use Class A3) including sprinkler tank, refuse store, cycle store, roof plant and associated public realm, landscaping, highways and engineering works on Land at Bridgend Police Station and former Cheapside Multi-storey Car Park, Cheapside, Bridgend.


Mae Asbri Planning Ltd wedi cael ei gomisiynu gan Goleg Pen-y-bont ar ran Cyngor Ben-y-bont a’r Ogwr i drefnu ymgynghoriad cyn gwneud cais cynllunio ar gyfer Dymchwel adeiladau presennol a gwaith adeiladu ar gyfer cyfleuster addysg bellach ac uwchradd (Dosbarth Defnydd D1), theatr (Dosbarth Defnydd Sui Generis), caffi (Dosbarth Defnydd A3), gan gynnwys tanc taenellu, storfa sbwriel, storfa beic, parth cyhoeddus cysylltiedig, peririanwaith to, tirlunio, a gwaith priffyrdd a pheirianwaith. ar dir ar safle Gorsaf HeddluPen-y-bont a hen Faes Parcio Aml-lawr Cheapside, Cheapside, Pen-y-bont a’r Ogwr.


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