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Maelfa Regeneration Project gets go-ahead


On Wednesday 20th April, Cardiff Council's Planning Committee unanimously approved to grant consent for the Maelfa regeneration project, subject to conditions and a legal agreement. 

The project will see the construction of 111 new homes, comprising of 54 affordable homes for Cardiff Community Housing Association and 57 private sale homes for Persimmon Homes. In addition, nine commercial units will be provided, including seven retail stores and two A3 units. Extensive infrastructure and public realm works are also proposed, including a public square and a new road to link the north and south of the site. The existing pedestrian underpasses in the site vicinity will be removed and new formalised pedestrian crossings will be provided, replacing a potentially intimidating and anti-social route with direct and safe crossing. Extensive replacement tree planting will also retain the area's green feel.

The development of this site would provide much needed affordable and market homes, as well as a contemporary shopping parade in place of a largely vacant white elephant. The project has been a long time in the making, with previous attempts to redevelop the site being aborted, not least due to the significant demolition cost implications of the substantial and dated shopping centre. This decision is reward for the combined and concerted efforts between Cardiff Community Housing Association, Persimmon Homes and Cardiff Council. 

For more information, see Wales Online


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